Tuesday, December 31, 2013

GoodBye 2013 & New Year's Resolutions

2013 has been an amazing year. Truly, there have been so many changes and moments that I will forever be grateful for. Before I start talking about 2014, I wanted to share with you some of my best moments from 2013.

- I broke the lease on my apartment and moved in with my family. I spent a lot of time reflecting on the loss of my grandmother and becoming closer with my "surrogate" family. I am forever grateful of this time I spent working less and being present more.
- A chapter of my life closed when I finally ended one of the most toxic relationships I have ever had in my life. So many loved ones have looked at me in recent months and said how much of a change they've noticed. I have so much hope and laughter now that I've cast aside the  need I had to make somebody love me and want a life with me when they simply didn't anymore.
- I spent Valentine's Day thinking about marriage and about the kind of love I hoped to someday give.
- I wrote my Life List.
- Claire and I had family pictures taken. Yes, I took family pictures with my dog. That's what's up.
- I designed the most stunning floral crown for a breathtaking professional bridal session.
- I realized that through my infertility, God was changing the course of my life.
- My Single Girl List became my most popular blog post with 2,000 views.
- You got to meet my now boyfriend in this post.
- My best friend asked me to move to Charlotte, and became my boyfriend. Score.
- I wrote a Guide to Being Friends with Someone Who Can't Have Babies. The most commented on blog post I have ever written. I will forever be grateful for all the lives touched and friendships made within the IF (infertility) community because of that post.
- I spent all summer sharing awesome diy projects with you guys!
- I talked about my divorce and depression. Hallelujah for overcoming both.
- You guys celebrated my one year bloggiversary with me.
- I shared my new outlook on life with infertility with you guys and became a hopeful and encouraging voice in the IF community, one who will always be there for you when you need an uplifting reminder or message. Because we're stronger, together
- I started Project Life!
- I celebrated my 24th Birthday.
- After a 6 month hiatus from my business, I launched my new ETSY shop and started designing home accessories!
- I cut off my bangs. I went to my first NFL game and my first NHL game- both in the same month! Follow me on instagram to see more awesome updates like those (user: laurarahel.)
- Then, I shared with you guys how to start YOUR OWN small creative business. That's right. High Five. Let's be awesome together.

Whew! What a year! It has been full of excitement, and oh so many changes. I couldn't be more pleased with how I am ending the year- happy, at home with my cuddly family, in our gorgeous house. 2013 looks good on me!

Now, with a year like that behind me, what changes do I plan to make in the New Year? Take a look...

My 2014 New Year's Resolutions-
  • Stop procrastinating.
  • Take better care of myself.
  • Learn to love, unconditionally.
  • Speak less, much less.
  • To exude kindness and positivity everywhere I go.
  • Travel more for myself.
  • Focus on my future and work towards successful small business ownership.
  • Quit swearing.
  • Grow spiritually, talk to God more.
  • Pay off half of all my debt. (This is a HUGE one.)
  • Work on improving my personal photography. Pictures of my life are important too.
  • Create stronger friendships and new friendships.
  • Practice more patience.

What are your New Year's resolutions? Do you find them silly or do you love the feel of a fresh start with renewed motivation?

Happy New Year's everyone! I hope you spend New Year's Eve with love in your heart and loved ones around you.
xoxo, Laura


  1. You have had a fabulous year! Wishing you all the best in 2014! Happy new year!

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer. You as well! Happy New Year :D

  2. I love this recap and how far you've come in 2013. Hope even more wonderful things are in store for you this year. I need to get on those resolutions…didn't really do mine this year.

    1. Thank you Jessah! Resolutions aren't neccessary for everyone. I'm one of those obsessive list writing people though. Writing it helps me make it a priority :)

  3. Wow, so much happened in your 2013. Love your 2014 list, I think the speaking less one really resonates with me. If everyone followed this, the world would be a much better place.

    1. <3 Thanks Caylee, I tried to pick good ones this year, ones that will improve the lives of not only myself and my loved ones but also new friends I meet too!


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